Friday, June 21, 2019

Hey y'all, I know its been a while since I last posted but I've been extremely busy! Since my last post, I finished my two weeks in language school and moved into NLCH where I will be the rest of the summer. The day after I moved in, one of the visiting teams took us to an amusement park! The kids had a blast and it was a nice relaxing day to get reacquainted with all of the kids. Sunday was Election Day in Guatemala so we didn't do a whole lot due to violence in the capital and traffic. We were supposed to go to Church but our bus driver never showed up so we had church in the dining area. During the past week I've began to start my actual intern duties. Yes a lot of that revolves around playing with the kids and just hanging out but there are other things. I've been helping them with their chores, homework, serving lunch/dinner, going on shopping trips for them, and my main job so far has been to get them to finish their Christmas cards for their sponsors. The kids have off of school until July 2nd so until then my job is to entertain them and keep them as busy as possible so they don't go stir crazy. Another team is coming tomorrow night so that will help a lot. All is well and I could not be happier. Thanks again for your continued support!

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